Friday, March 9, 2012

Are you as disappointed as i am with Battlefield 3 Open Beta?

I feel like this game will be the biggest disappointment since Medal of Honor 2010... Cancelling my pre order.Are you as disappointed as i am with Battlefield 3 Open Beta?
I never bought into the hype, not since day 1. It's definitely not a COD killer but at the same time I had fun. I mean I was never counting down the days to release, but I will buy it. Later on though, it won't be a first day thing. There are so many good games coming out I have to save my money ha ha. (MW3, Saints Row the Third, Assassins Creed: Revelations, Skyrim)...
I am very disappointed and you can read why on my blog: you as disappointed as i am with Battlefield 3 Open Beta?
Good, now i wont have to deal with your stupid *** in game, its a beta, not a demo.
So, the same as BF2 right? Fanboys hype it up as the CoD killer then realize it's crap?Are you as disappointed as i am with Battlefield 3 Open Beta?
I am with you man, I was extremely disappointing with it as well.
I was laughing at these children as i was playing battlefield 2
Pissed me off within the first few minutes. Not worth buying.

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